Lueder, Larkin & Hunter’s community association newsletter Community Matters is now available for download online. The Late-Summer 2016 edition features an article regarding “serial bankruptcy filers” (By Daniel Melchi), an article about the importance of being familiar with Georgia’s statute of limitations with regard to covenant enforcement (by Brendan Hunter), and a general overview of what a judicial foreclosure sale is and how it can relate to community associations (by Harry...
Jason W. Hammer and Elizabeth K. Lowrey recently obtained summary judgment for an insurer in the Superior Court of Fulton County. The case arose when the Plaintiff was allegedly injured after his vehicle was rear-ended in an automatic car wash. The insurer initiated an investigation after becoming suspicious of the circumstances of the alleged accident, including the video footage that arguably showed the Plaintiff purposefully causing the vehicle to jump the tracks of the car wash. Other...
Lueder, Larkin & Hunter is pleased to announce that Michael Todd Loftis has been invited to join the prestigious Claims and Litigation Management Alliance (the "CLM"). The CLM is a nonpartisan alliance comprised of thousands of insurance companies, corporations, Corporate Counsel, Litigation and Risk Managers, claims professionals and attorneys. Through education and collaboration the organization’s goals are to create a common interest in the representation by firms of companies, and to...
Lueder, Larkin & Hunter’s community association newsletter Community Matters is now available for download online. This edition features a review of Georgia’s brand new garnishment laws (by Brandon Wagner), an article discussing the process of a judicial foreclosure sale and bidding strategies (by Stephen Finamore), and an article discussing the hot topic of Airbnb and whether or not temporary rentals of homes are allowed in community associations (by Haley Hancock). Also included in...
In the world of uninsured/underinsured motorist (hereinafter “UM”) litigation, the lawyer for the UM carrier faces several quandaries from the moment that a new file is assigned. As with every new case, the first question is, “Who is my client?” The answer at this early stage of the UM context is easy: the insurance carrier. What follows is a myriad of questions ranging from an assessment of the client’s potential exposure, possible defenses, and impediments...