The Summer 2017 edition features an article about community association reserve studies (by David Boy), an article discussing collection in the aftermath of a bank foreclosure (by Christine Lee), and a discussion on the benefits of good record keeping (by Elina Brim). Community Matters is published on our website on a quarterly basis, and if you would like hard copies, we can make those available for you as well. Thank you! Download Community...
Come join us at the 2017 Board Boot Camp! Session 1 is on Saturday, September 30, 2017, and Session 2 is on Saturday, November 11, 2017. Board Boot Camp is a complimentary community association seminar. Both events are three hours, and included CE credits. Featuring sessions on: “Association!” – The Community Association Game Show, with topics on: POA v. COA v. HOA Managing Vendor Contracts The Fair Housing Act Understanding the Bylaws Amending the Governing...
The Preamble to the Georgia Rules of Professional Conduct states “In the nature of law practice conflicting responsibilities are encountered. Virtually all difficult ethical problems arise from conflict among a lawyer's responsibilities to clients, to the legal system and to the lawyer's own interest in remaining an upright person. The Rules of Professional Conduct prescribe terms for resolving such conflicts. Within the framework of these Rules, many difficult issues of professional...
LLH’s Participation in 6th Annual Legal Food Frenzy – Top Rankings in the Competition In the Georgia legal community, many participate in the statewide competition known as the Legal Food Frenzy. This competition is in its sixth year, and Lueder, Larkin & Hunter has participated for four (4) straight years now. The efforts help food banks across the state raise monies and collect pounds of food to ensure that struggling families, seniors, and children across Georgia have enough to eat...
Litigating an uninsured/underinsured motorist (“UM”) claim, whether from the perspective of the plaintiff, the tortfeasor, or the UM carrier, is similar to litigating any other auto accident case. However, like with any other action, one must be familiar with the nuances of UM claims and the UM statute in order to avoid costly mistakes. This paper is intended to address many of the issues that arise in the course of litigating UM claims to assist the reader in avoiding some...