Lueder, Larkin & Hunter Will Remain Open During the Coronavirus Pandemic
As of this time as based on the latest information and updates regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, Lueder, Larkin & Hunter, LLC has no current plans to close any of our office locations, and we remain committed to protecting the health and safety of our clients, office visitors, and employees.
We believe the best approach is to follow the guidance and advice of the medical experts so we are following the CDC guidelines for preventing the spread of viruses. We have stepped up our frequency of cleaning and disinfecting our lobbies, conference rooms, and common areas, paying special attention to high contact surfaces like chairs, tables, counters, restrooms, and door handles, and we will gladly provide previously unused pens to each individual document signer. We will provide hand sanitizer for our office visitors, and we have also taken additional steps to limit or eliminate the number of documents and other items passed back and forth in the closing room. Employees in our offices have increased the frequency of their hand washing throughout the day shift and any employees experiencing flu-like symptoms (or with exposure to someone with the virus) will not be permitted to come to work.
Real Estate Closings
While we will do everything within our power to make sure that your closing will be on time, it is important to note that certain future closures could potentially cause a closing to be delayed. If county courthouses impose further restrictions or close completely, there may be resultant delays due to the inability to conduct title examinations and/or record deeds. Similarly, bank, lender, community association management, and utility closures may result in delays in obtaining mortgage payoffs, HOA closing letters, water bills other such pre-closing items that are essential to the closing process. We will do our best to keep all parties informed and up to date on the status of upcoming closings and to get each deal closed as scheduled.
We remain committed to protecting the health and safety of our clients, office visitors, and employees.
We are happy to work with our clients, buyers, and sellers with any specific requests or concerns that they have about the situation. We can accommodate buyers and sellers signing at different times or in different rooms, and in certain circumstances can arrange mail-away closings. We would also ask the assistance of all parties in restricting to whatever extent possible the number of non-essential attendees at each closing. While buyers obtaining a mortgage will still be required to come in and sign with the closing attorney and sellers will need to sign their closing documents with an approved notary and additional witness, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us to address any specific requests.
We will continue to monitor the news as things progress, and we will follow the direction and best guidance of the government, authorities, and experts. We will do everything within our power to ensure that all closings occur as usual at LLH – on time, smoothly, and professionally. We wish you and your family much health during this difficult time, and we look forward to seeing you in our offices soon.