Bad Faith and Coverage Litigation
The Bad Faith and Coverage Group defends bad faith suits and initiates declaratory judgment to obtain coverage rulings, protecting clients from bad faith allegations or attacks. They defend numerous bad faith actions against major national and regional insurance companies involving claims arising from health, life, property, casualty, general and professional liability policies. They represent insurers seeking declaratory judgments in the courts of Georgia and elsewhere. They also provide counsel to insurance companies in assessing and making decisions about when and whether to defend under reservation of rights, decline coverage, rescind policies, and seek declaratory judgment.
The attorneys of Lueder, Larkin & Hunter, LLC have the depth and breadth of experience to handle virtually every type of case — from a small claim to the most complex legal matter and all the transactional and jurisdictional issues in between.
We have been in the business of helping public and private-sector clients identify and prevent exposures and, if they occur, capably managing reaction and recovery. The attorneys of Lueder, Larkin & Hunter, LLC have the depth and breadth of experience to handle virtually every type of case — from a small claim to the most complex legal matter and all the transactional and jurisdictional issues in between.
Our clients increasingly look to work with integrated teams that can advance their business objectives. We accommodate them through a dynamic operating model that draws on the collective experience and resources of the entire firm in realizing desired legal outcomes. Ever mindful of the increasing economic pressures under which our clients conduct their businesses, we are committed to resolving claims quickly and efficiently. Our practice attorneys regularly access centralized resources and firmwide talent. This type of collaboration frequently spawns innovative and cost-effective solutions to our clients’ most complex legal issues.
We scrupulously attend to every detail in preparing to defend our clients. This is the hallmark of our Insurance Defense attorneys and the principal reason for our enviable track record of success.